African Cancer Economics Network (ACE-net)

The African Cancer Economics Network (hereafter referred to as the ACE-net) aims to contribute to improving the knowledge about the cost of cancer care and cost effectiveness in Africa. It aims to play a facilitating role for the advancement of cancer-related health economics and policy-making capabilities on the African continent.

The ACE-net resides under AORTIC and will promote and work on an interdisciplinary and interprofessional level. Through its programs, the ACE-net will assist African countries in building capacity, providing education and training and promoting national and international collaboration in the field of cancer health economics with learning and research institutions from other countries.



The vision of this network is to be an international health economics group focused on improving the value and delivery of cancer care in Africa through increased knowledge of its cost and cost effectiveness. It is in alignment with the AORTIC vision in creating awareness of the extent of cancer in Africa and ensuring that programmes related to cancer evaluation, cost and research are firmly on the continent’s agenda.



The mission of this group is to evaluate the cost of cancer care and cost effectiveness on the African continent as well as to look for ways to increase the value of cancer care in Africa, in order to contribute to increased public and government awareness and to support policy makers and civil society in our fight against the disease.