19 September 2022

The African Regional Cancer Conference (ARCC) 2022 was held in Somone, Senegal on 19 September 2022. The conference convened under the following themes:

Main symposium theme:
“Cancer Prevention and Control in 21st Century Africa”

1. “Research to Inform Cancer Health in Africa”
2. “Education and Training in cancer in Africa”

This conference appealed to a broad array of health-care professionals involved in cancer care. It also provided a great opportunity for the exchange of ideas; learn from other oncology leaders; and provided an opportunity to showcase work in the Continent and the Diaspora with oncology leaders from around the world.

20 September 2022

Training Courses

  • Ethics course
  • Basic Science Training
20 – 21 September 2022
  • Interest Group Meetings
Registration Fees
Participants from all over the World USD
AORTIC Members $ 30
Non Members $ 60

Visit the African Regional Cancer Conference website.