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So far admin has created 12 blog entries.

AORTIC PALOP Conference in Maputo, Mozambique


25 – 27 MAY 2016 Saw 150 delegates from the PALOP (Portuguese speaking countries in Africa) meet to discuss “Cancer as a public health problem in Mozambique – should it be prioritized” including international speakers from UK, Brazil & North America. This meeting was a collaboration between & supported by AORTIC & the Mozambican

AORTIC PALOP Conference in Maputo, Mozambique2019-02-17T16:45:25+00:00

AORTIC North America Meeting @ AACR


16 April 2016, New Orleans The AORTIC AACR 2016 meeting took place on April 16th, 2016 in New Orleans during the Annual AACR meeting. The meeting was entitled “Overcoming Cancer Research Challenges in Africa: New Realities, New Vision”. The program objectives were to discuss/propose strategies to overcome the infrastructure and human capacity challenges of

AORTIC North America Meeting @ AACR2019-02-17T16:46:24+00:00


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