Palliative Care
Improving the quality of palliative care delivery in Africa through collaboration, training and research.</strong
Goals and Strategy
- To bring together individuals within AORTIC who are interested in or working in Palliative care in the region, through communications and discussions.
- To strengthen collaboration with oncology by encouraging PH approach to cancer relief in each country so that the need for PC is recognised for the large % of population, who never reach curative treatment
- To ensure that African palliative care is promoted that is adaptable to the different cultures and economies of each country
- To identify potential collaborations to strengthen PC through AORTIC
- To review education and training opportunities for members
- To share ideas and best practices
- To deliver a PC workshop at the AORTIC conferences and ensure that palliative care is represented through at least one plenary, at each conference
- To identify regional/national centres where individuals can go for placements to strengthen their palliative care experience and to promote training opportunities
- To identify areas of international collaboration
- Seek grants for multi-national research into palliative care for evidence-based decision making
- Share experience in the control of opioid medicines, psychotropic substances and precursors (controlled medicines)
- Share experience in the estimation and quantification f controlled medicines
- Provide the platform and support member states in making opioid medicines more accessible and affordable to vulnerable clients in moderate to severe pain
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