ASCO and ASCO’s Conquer Cancer Foundation proudly recognize the winners of ASCO’s Special Awards, the Society’s highest honors, and Conquer Cancer’s Women Who Conquer Cancer Mentorship Awards. The recipients of these awards have worked to transform cancer care around the world. ASCO will recognize this year’s awardees at its 2019 Annual Meeting.

International Women Who Conquer Cancer Mentorship Award – Verna Vanderpuye

Verna Vanderpuye, MBChB, is a senior consultant at the National Center for Radiotherapy, Oncology and Nuclear Medicine at Korlebu Teaching Hospital, Ghana, affiliated with the University of Ghana, Accra. Her interests are in breast, sarcoma, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal cancers and cancer management in Africa. She is the pioneer female oncologist in the West African region, and has mentored many regional and international young cancer professionals from their training through mid-career. Her holistic, whole-patient philosophy has resulted in improved quality of life even in the face of limited resources, at the same time prompting research opportunities and developing cost-effective, pragmatic approaches to the implementation of new evidence.